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Famous quote...

 "We are all born ignorant,

But one must work hard to

remain stupid."


Benjamin Franklin

(1706 - 1790)



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Mister V.

Today's message:

Back to work!


Welcome and have fun!

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N'ayez pas peur de faire des erreurs, au contraire !!! C'est le meilleur moyen d'apprendre. N'hésitez pas à corriger vos camarades !

Have fun!!!


15 octobre 2011 6 15 /10 /octobre /2011 22:33

Here's the music video you asked for ...




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<br /> <br /> my new name...   <br /> <br /> <br /> well I didn't want to say it but "never mine..." "let's keep going..." <br /> <br /> <br /> I would say that she've a realy divin voice.... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Sounds better ... names don't matter anyway!  Yeah, never mind! <br /> <br /> <br /> I think she sounds all the more divine with the piano... There's like a perfect harmony between them. Both sound soft and strong... I love it!!!!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Well I've tried to say that adele have a beautiful voice: Her voice is so heavenly that if she hadn't had it from God, it's God who had send this beautiful voice for Adele..<br /> <br /> <br /> PS: I had to find a name and to be modest, I wrote this name... (that stupid no?!)<br /> <br /> <br /> (in plus, people think that they are strong and on the top of the pyramid of living things but we're just some little things who will die.) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Gotcha! If I get it right, you mean that if she hadn't had her voice from God, God would have decided to give her a beautiful voice anyway ... correct?<br /> <br /> <br /> PS: I think being "modest" or "humble" doesn't necessarily imply that you have to underestimate yourself... You just have to be yourself,<br /> nothing less, nothing more.<br /> <br /> <br /> I agree with this thought that you're sharing ... Everything (so everybody) comes to an end at some point, no matter how important we like to think we are... However, it doesn't mean that we are<br /> insignificant either. The one who actually believes that he is important is the "ego" inside every one of us ...<br /> <br /> <br /> This philosophical talk makes me hungry! Tea time!!!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Thank you<br /> <br /> <br /> well: if adele havn't got her voice in the paradise, it's the paradise which have send it him.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> No problem! My pleasure! <br /> <br /> <br /> Adele really has a divine voice indeed ... What you say sounds beautiful (and true!), but I'm not sure I understood what you meant ... can you explain or rephrase please?<br /> <br /> <br /> By the way, why do you call yourself "Less than nothing" ??? Nobody is less than nothing ... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />